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About UsAccounting for and making every youth count

Our Story

YADEN East Africa; (Youth Arts, Development and Entrepreneurship Network) is a Youth and their Grassroots Communities Focused East African Regional Organization, working to EMPOWER and ENGAGE them through an Integrated Youth Owned, Youth Managed and Grassroots Communities Resonate approach. Through a Participatory and Inclusive development model YADEN targets to ensure young people through all their social, economic and political diversities take change of their issues and those of their grassroots communities.

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Our Vision

An Empowered and Engaged East Africa Youth, Positively Contributing to their Community’s Development.


Our Mission

To Mobilize, Organize and Equip Young People for Active Individual and Community Participation.


Our Mandate

Mobilize and Organize Young People into Capacitated Youth Platform of Opportunity (YPO) Groups, Partner with them to Identify their Potentials, Advance these Potentials into Skills, Skills that enable them earn a decent Livelihood and consequently Empower them to Participate and effectively Engage in their communities social-cultural and econo-political Development.

yaden community projects
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how we work

How we work

YADEN East Africa; works in an innovative, inclusive and participatory, Arts and Sports based methodology targeting marginalized and disfranchised young people as an entry to the wider community. YADEN uses a Step by Step Empowerment and Engagement process that journeys through Mobilizing, Organizing, and Equipping culminating into viably Engaged Youth.

how we work

Our Impact

Since its founding in 2003, YADEN has established itself in over 31 localities throughout East Africa, (YADEN Network) Working with and for over 617 Youth Platform of Opportunity (YPO) Groups that have by extension empowered and Engaged over 103,000 young people among them 53% Young Women.

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Our Partners

Kenya Government
Dutch Government
Global Communities
Oxfam Novib
Cre8 EA

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YADEN East Africa programs and Associated Projects, Activities and Partnerships have a zero tolerance policy on SEA and adhere to Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA).