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# tools

Violent Extremism Vulnerability Checker



Publish Date

April 24, 2023

Reading TIme

1 mins
Violent Extremism Vulnerability Checker

The iYaden Vulnerability Assesment tool allows users to self-asses their Vulnerability to Violent Extremism and Terrorism. The tool uses the following assesment areas.

  • Attitude and Identity Based Vulnerabilities.
  • Patriotism based Vulnerabilities.
  • Livelihood and Critical Thinking Vulnerabilities.
  • P/CVE Knowledge and Awareness based Vulnerabilities.
  • Assertiveness and Influence.

Visit https://app.iyaden.net/ and try it yourself.

YADEN East Africa programs and Associated Projects, Activities and Partnerships have a zero tolerance policy on SEA and adhere to Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA).

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Since its founding in 2003, YADEN has established itself in over 31 localities throughout East Africa, Working with and for over 617 Youth Platform of Opportunity (YPO) Groups that have by extension empowered and Engaged thousands of young people.